Monday, March 20, 2017

Nutrient content of lime juice

When choosing lime fruit, select those that are brightly colored, and smooth-skinned. The phytochemicals in limes boost the immune system prevent heart disease and cancer, lower blood cholesterol levels and lower high blood pressure.

In the 1700s British sailors on long voyages across the Atlantic were given a small amount of lime juice as part of their daily rations. The lime juice contained ‘something’ that help the sailor avoid one of the dangers of months on the oceans - the disease scurvy. And at that time they still did not know that vitamin C was the actual antidote.

Lime juice is high in vitamin C and contains some antioxidants that promote health. Modern analysis of lime juice has given values a ranging from 23 to 49 mg ascorbic acid per 100 g, with an average of approximately 30 mg.

Lime juice is ideal for people suffering from arthritis, because the vitamin C in lime juice strengthens connective tissues of the joints. It is also improvised the vitality and hence is very useful in treating causes of cold, running nose, cough and other acute conditions. Limes may help to dissolve gallstones, protect against scurvy and may be effective in the prevention and treatment of esophageal cancer.

 The good about lime juice is that it has a decent amount of vitamin C with no fat or cholesterol and very little sodium. Lime juice is an excellent meat tenderizer and flavor enhancer, and it is well known as an ingredient in the mixed drink known as the margarita.

Other key nutrients in limes include fiber, calcium, iron, fructose, glucose, sucrose, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese, vitamins B and small amounts of amino acids. For preparation of homemade low sugar, low calories limeade, mix lime juice with sparkling water.
Nutrient content of lime juice

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